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Last updated Fri Aug 30 2024

Apparel Marketing: 10 Strategies & Examples

This post will help you with apparel marketing by giving you 10 practical tips, most of which you can implement even today.

So, if you’d like to get better results with promoting clothes, you’ll get plenty of inspiration here. Examples of apparel marketing used by fashion stores from the US and France are also included.

Create personalized shopping experiences at your clothing store

Inspire purchases, promote products, share discounts, and grow your sales with four onsite channels

popup animated

What is apparel marketing?

Apparel marketing is the usage of marketing techniques to promote clothing and accessories to create a strong brand image and increase sales. This branch of marketing includes marketing on websites (onsite marketing), using social media ads, printed magazine ads, runway shows, and television ads, as well as influencer content and promotional emails.

If executed properly, fashion marketing tells the story behind apparel products (could be on the collection and individual item level), the goal and the intent of the designer, and the values and the mission of the brand.

apparel marketing trends

1. Announce new items and collections with onsite notifications

There’s an efficient way to market new arrivals, highlight specific products, or announce new collections without cluttering up the homepage:

Onsite notifications.

It’s a small feed with promotional messages that you can add to a website to drive traffic to any page (here’s how Asphalte, one of the most successful French clothing stores, uses notifications to promote new products):

notifications for apparel marketing

For Asphalte, keeping the homepage clean is very important

But they also need to promote products and collections at the same time.

That’s why adding onsite notifications to the header of their store was a perfect way to inform visitors about new offers while not having to sacrifice any homepage space.

You can do that, too (onsite notifications work on all websites) and make product announcements much easier and more efficient. They’ll be extremely helpful if you have a lot of new products coming in regularly.

Also, you can market your apparel products with a built-in AI wishlist—a feature you can use to recommend products and sell more:

recommendation feed shopify wisepops

Onsite notifications come with:

  • Shopify properties

  • Goal and revenue tracking

  • Recommendation feed with items visited but not bought

See what you can with onsite notifications:

Unlimited free trial, no cc needed. Learn more about onsite notifications

Picture of Benjamin Mateo

"Onsite notifications are revolutionizing the way we reach our customers. A new lever for us - powerful, personalized and plug & play with Shopify."

Benjamin Mateo, CRO, Asphalte

2. Get new leads with product surveys

Product surveys are another apparel marketing idea that Asphalte uses.

Their business model is pre-order, meaning they manufacture only the products that customers chose and placed orders to get them:

asphalte product page

The brand’s founders chose this business model because they wanted to eliminate overproduction, which is something that Asphalte stands for.

While doing some marketing experiments, Asphalte’s head of growth, Ben, found something interesting:

Picture of Benjamin Mateo

“We realized that customer lifetime value was higher after a customer has learned about our mission and how we work.”

Ben, Head of Growth, Asphalte

So, he made a smart decision to use product surveys—the surveys that Asphalte uses to collect ideas about which products to manufacture—to generate leads. 

The visitors would participate in a quick survey and then provide their emails at the end to get updates if their styles were chosen to be made

To drive traffic to the survey page, Ben used full-screen popups like this one:

asphalte website survey

Here's what it says:

popup copy

The result of this apparel marketing strategy exceeded expectations, as the surveys generated a lot of awareness of Asphalte’s mission and values. 

Besides that, the projects consistently brings about 4,000 quality leads on average every month:

We won’t go too deep into this apparel marketing strategy, but you can get all the details in the case study below:

Apparel marketing case study

Learn how Asphalte generates leads and brand mission awareness:

Go to case study

3. Share discount codes on the homepage

Homepage is probably where most of your visitors land on your apparel store first, so you need a good incentive there waiting for them to take advantage of (like, a discount).

But here’s a pickle:

A homepage is where you may have other promotional content (that needs to stay there for some time): collection announcements, links to pages with seasonal sales, etc.

Oddballs, one of the UK’s most popular underwear brands, uses onsite notifications to share discounts without cluttering the homepage. Here’s how it works: the visitors notice an animated bell on their homepage and click it to open the feed:

onsite notification feed bell

When they open the notification, they see that OddBalls offers them an extra 10% discount with a code.

Why not use it, right?

onsite notification feed campaign discount

This way, OddBalls keeps the homepage clean while allowing visitors to discover promos and discounts at their own pace.

Here’s how this apparel marketing idea worked:

Dan Mitchell, Ecommerce Manager OddBalls

"Roughly 50% of all orders made on OddBalls used this code at the time when this campaign was active. This translates into around £50k in revenue."

Dan Mitchell, Ecommerce Manager OddBalls

If you’d like to know the details about how OddBalls managed to convert their visitors and how you can promote your clothing brand this way, check out the case study:

Apparel marketing case study

How to convert more visitors with discounts using onsite notifications:

OddBalls case study

4. Show targeted offers based on browsing history

Creating a feeling of personalized shopping experience is not easy… But totally possible for you to try today easily.

The apparel marketing idea is to show marketing messages to visitors based on:

  • How they found your store (paid ads, Google search, a recommendation from someone, etc.)

  • What pages they visited (a few products from the same category, for example)

  • Shopping behavior (adding an item to the shopping cart, for example)

To show these messages, you use the onsite tools you have: website popups, embedded signup forms, live chat, etc.).

Let’s see some examples:

TOMS Shoes shows this message to returning visitors (a discount is given to those who left without buying and now returned), note the copy:

popup box toms shoes

Here's how to create a discount popup (step-by-step instructions).


Black Ember shows an onsite notification with a free shipping promo to those who added a product to the cart but have not reached the threshold. This campaign’s goal is, of course, to increase the average order value (here's the case study if you want to know how this one performs):

free shipping promo with onsite notifications

This way, you can make the experience of every visitor at your fashion store feel more relevant and positive.

Here are some more examples of how you can use this apparel marketing idea:

  • Display a free shipping only to visitors from a certain city, area, or country

  • Show a popup with a discount only for buying dresses to a visitor who viewed two or three products from that category

  • Show a popup that says that a visitor can get a free item after adding a product to the cart to motivate them to get one more item

Creating such targeted campaigns is actually not complicated at all.

For instance, let’s assume you want to try the second example (with the dresses). Your apparel store has them in a separate category with “dresses” in the URL like that:

url from fashion nova

In terms of targeting, all you have to do is add this word to the campaign display. To do that in Wisepops, our own popup app, for example, you’d need to choose Display rules > Select URLs > URL contains > and type in “dresses:”

popup creation

Just like that, you can make a contextual ecommerce popup campaign that’s relevant to the visitor experience.

By naming the campaign in a specific way and connecting Wisepops to your email marketing app, say, Klaviyo, you can create a special segment of leads interested in a specific product category. Doing so allows you to create more personalized email campaigns for further lead nurturing.

Want to try creating contextual popups? Get a free account in Wisepops to get started:

No cc required, unlimited free trial.

Not sure yet? 

Check out these examples of businesses using Wisepops with case studies.


"A brilliant dashboard that helps you create any popup you want within an hour or even less, it took me 15 min once I knew the offer that I wanted to show."

Wisepops review from Capterra

5. Try a product giveaway

Here’s why a product giveaway is a good apparel marketing idea:

giveaways ecommerce statistics

For apparel brands, giveaways are a great way to attract new customers, and reward the loyal ones. It creates goodwill and strengthens customer relationships, and can be a great way to introduce your products to new customers. 

Take inspiration from this example:

Faguo gave away a pair of their best-selling sneakers. To maximize participation, they used a spin-to-win popup on their website:

This apparel marketing idea was so successful that Faguo now runs product giveaways on a monthly basis.

Here’s how many emails they generated (see the Emails column) in a few months:

You can learn how to recreate this campaign:

Faguo product giveaway case study

The key to a successful giveaway for a clothing brand is a relevant prize, simple rules for entering, and a prominent position on the website.

A prize could be:

  • An expensive clothing item

  • A pair of shoes

  • An accessory

  • A gift card

  • Store credit

If you’re interested in trying this apparel marketing idea, here are 10 giveaway ideas with examples to help you get started the right way.


Guide to spin to win popups

6. Drive traffic to pages with sales or special offers

This apparel marketing idea is simple:

Add onsite campaigns to the homepage to make visitors discover more of your products, collections, and marketing messages.

Let’s see a couple of examples.

Dolce & Gabbana places such small and gorgeous popups in the right bottom corner to let visitors know about new arrivals (in this case, it was the Kim Dolce & Gabbana T-Shirt):

dolce gabbana popup box

Next up—

Net-a-porter, another popular luxury fashion brand. Their store often drives traffic to pages with sales with popups like this one:

website popup example small

Indeed, that’s a good apparel marketing strategy if you’d like to increase engagement with new arrivals or special sales.

And it’s also something you can replicate on your apparel store easily.

For example, I was able to create an exact copy of Net-a-porter’s popup in Wisepops in about two minutes:

recreating a popup campaign

You can engage more of your website visitors like that, too:

Shop now sales popup
Free popup templates

Get a head start on designing popups for your apparel store. Browse our library of designer-made popup templates. Start converting your traffic.

➡️ Go to templates

7. Use B2GO (buy 2, get one for free)

B2GO offers are a savvy way to move inventory quicker and increase ecommerce sales.

By encouraging customers to buy more to get a free item, you're increasing the perceived value of their purchase and encouraging them to spend more. So, it could be a good apparel and accessories marketing idea (to add a free accessory to clothing, for example).

Ekster, for example, rewards customers with a free cash clip for buying two items. To maximize the awareness of this special offer, the brand uses a popup:

free product with purchase promo


Sales promotions examples (learn how to write engaging texts for promotional offers on your website)

How to sell with time-limited offers (+examples and expert tips)

8. Add similar product and styles to product pages

Help your customers find the right color and shade easier with recommendations on product pages. Fashionnova knows what their customers might want to buy, so they show similar styles and related products like that:

style suggestions example

You can use customer browsing data to provide relevant suggestions like these. It will transform the shopping experience, and increase average order value and overall sales. 

The more tags you give products and the deeper you dive into your data, the easier it will be to recommend your customers products that they simply can't say no to. 

The best tools for tracking customer activity on ecommerce websites are Google Analytics and Hotjar.

9. Promote your values and mission

People are no longer just buying products. They are increasingly choosing environmentally-friendly and ethical brands because they know that the fashion industry is one of the biggest contributors to climate change.

That means that fashion brands need to:

  • Share their manufacturing practices and policies

  • Get involved with environmental organizations or volunteering

  • Run marketing campaigns in an ethical way

Let’s see some examples.

Allbirds shares their entire sustainability strategy on a special page:


Gymshark, another successful fitness apparel store, also shares a ton of resources about sustainability and community projects:

gymshark values

Visit those pages—and maybe your competitors', too—to get some inspiration (this could be especially useful if you're just starting a clothing brand). Today, sustainability is a must for a successful business in the apparel industry, so you’ll find plenty of examples to get you started.

If you’d like some help with sustainability reporting, this guide from Harvard Business Review will definitely help.


Examples of ethical marketing (includes Patagonia, TOMS, and Allbirds)

10. Grab emails before visitors leave

Not every visitor is going to buy, we know that. We need to convert them, manage the emails, and get sales.

That’s why having a popup collecting emails (email popups) is a good idea. If you’re not a fan of popups, that’s all right—there are many ways in which you can implement them in a tasteful way that doesn’t affect the browsing experience in a major way.

Let’s see how fashion stores do this.

Nora has this small white non-intrusive newsletter popup:

non intrusive popup box

Elder Statesman, one of the most successful Shopify stores, captures emails with this good-looking campaign:

apparel marketing with popups

And Taylor Stitch, another successful fashion brand, converts first-time visitors into subscribers with this beauty:

taylor stitch lightbox popup design example

All these fashion stores would not be using website popups if they were not bringing them leads, agree?

In fact, as a company specializing in popups, we know that email popups like the ones you’ve just seen convert up to 4.01% of visitors on average.

The keys to a high-converting popup for an apparel store are:

  • Design. The popup must look like a natural extension of your website

  • Value. Discounts, free shipping, exclusive collection previews, styling tips, collection drops—something your customers want

  • Display options. A visitor-friendly popup is one that is set up to display for a limited number of times to every visitor 

Apparel marketing: summary

Hope you got some practical tips to promote your fashion products online. Feel free to try different strategies and see how they perform.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to see successful onsite marketing projects from online stores, consider this flash sale case study from our blog:

Find out how this Shopify store got 17% of monthly sales in just four hours:

Oleksii Kovalenko

Oleksii Kovalenko is a digital marketing expert and a writer with a degree in international marketing. He has seven years of experience helping ecommerce store owners promote their businesses by writing detailed, in-depth guides.


Master's in International Marketing, Academy of Municipal Administration

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